Legaturi de ski de tura si freeride ATK Crest 8 Lightblue cu frana de 86 mm
RO - Legatura de schi de tura ATK Crest este o legatura extrem de usoara ( 280 g). Modelul este o combinatie intre simplitate modelui ATK® Trofeo (partea din spate) si precizia si siguranta oferite de varful ATK® RT 2.0. ATK® CREST Darkblue include si noul sistem de frande de la ATK, un sistem cu o greutateredus si foarte usor de manevrat, prin simpla apasare a unui buton. Frana este prevazuta cu un sina mobila (ELASTIC SLIDE) care permite o declansare laterala optima.
Legatura are frane de 86 mm incluse, asigurand compatibilitate cu majoritatea modelelor de schiuri. Noile frane sunt mai rezistente si asigura o franare mai eficienta.
IMPORTANT: acest produs poate fi achizitionat cu pret promotional intr-un pachet de echipament de ski de tura. Citeste aici mai multe detalii despre pachetele de ski de tura
Detalii si caracteristici tehnice:
- Greutate: 280 GR
- Materiale: ALU 7075, POM, Stainless Steel
- Categorie: Free Touring
- Eliberare (DIN): 3-8
- Reglaj pe lungime: 20 mm
- Stopper (frana): 86 mm inclusa
Schiul de tura ideal pentru aceasta legatura de tura:
Latime la mijloc: 75 – 108 mm
Greutate schi: 800 – 1500 gr
Greutate schior: 30 – 70 kg
Specificatii tehnice:
• Slot pentru coltari care permite utilizarea coltarilor de toate dimensiunile.
• HEEL FLAP WITH RAISER asigura trei pozitii de mers: modul zero (FLAT MODE), +36 mm and +50 mm.
• Sistemul de eliberare permite reglarea tensiunii intre 3 si 8, atat pentru cea laterala cat si pentru cea verticala.
• CAM RELEASE SYSTEM - sistem care stabilizeaza calcaiul si asigura tensiunea specifica legaturilor de tura ATK®
• ELASTIC RESPONSE SYSTEM® ajuta la absortia comprimarii skiului, reducand astfel presiunea in sistem
• Placuta de reglare permite o deplasare de 2 cm a calcaiului, asigurand reglarea pe mai multe numere diferite de clapari.
Daca doresti mai multe informatii te invitam sa citesti articolul despre
Montajul legaturilor de ski de tura. EN - The lightweight version of Crest 10, dedicated to lighter ski mountaineers and beginners. Extremely light and robust, these bindings are versatile and reliable.
- Easy Entry System®: new geometry of the toe parts elements that makes the step-in easy and confident with any tech boot available on the market, even in case of worn out soles.
- Monolink® Technology 1.0: the left arm of the toe part is fix, provides a weight reduction of 2,5 grams per toe part and improves stiffness. Lower pressure on the locking system with higher performances.
- The Heel Flap with raiser provides 3 different walking modes.
- The built-in crampons slot assures the perfect insertion of any ATK Bindings® crampon size.
- A 20 mm ADJUSTMENT PLATE is integrated in the heel part to assure a fast adjustment in case of boot substitution (up to 2 full sizes).
- The release system provides a 3 to 8 adjustment range, both lateral (Mz) and vertical (My).
- CAM RELEASE SYSTEM®: exclusive system that provides the most stable downhill performance on the market, extremely precise release and the softest heel step-in of the industry.
- ELASTIC RESPONSE SYSTEM®: an elastic sliding system applied to the heel part to ensure the natural ski flex (also in case of big jumps/compressions), improves the binding release performance when the binding is stressed, reduces the pressure on the ski-boot-binding system.
- SKI-BRAKE: the binding offers different sizes (75, 86, 91, 97, 102, 108 mm) to provide the perfect fit with any ski model.
- SKI-BRAKE ELASTIC SLIDE: integrated in the ski-brake pad to keep the lateral release value of the binding fixed.
75 – 108 mm
800 – 1500 gr
User 30 – 70 kg