Schiuri Freeride Big Mountain Blizzard Hustle 11 2023
RO - Pentru zilele cu zapada mare cand vrei sa te bucuri la maxim de tot ce are muntele de oferit. Construit dupa Innovative waist concept (cu cat schiul este mai lung, cu atat este si mai lat - acest lucru asigura un plus de control si portanta, chiar si in cel mai inclinat teren) si propulsat de noul miez de lemn TrueBlend Free Wood, Hustel 11 este un model usor dar in acelasi timp performant in orice tip de teren. Designul rocker-camber-rocker il fac stabil si receptiv, dar in acelasi timp manevrabil in zapada mare si in zone inguste.
EN - We’ve all heard the old “no friends on a powder day” adage, but we’d like to come out and say that that’s BS. We think the best days should be shared with the best people, and when you’re venturing out into the backcountry to get the goods, make sure you have the best skis under your feet, too. Hustle 11 is built off our tried-and-true freeride-oriented profile with a waist width that gets wider as the ski gets longer, so it’s got all the gas you need to send that big line you’ve been eyeing for years, especially when it gets deep. Powered by an all new, lightweight TrueBlend Free wood core, Hustle 11 shaves some weight so you can go further and charge harder, and might just be your new best friend on a powder day.
Detalii si caracteristici tehnice:
- Constructie: Sandwich Compound Sidewall , Carbon Dynamic Release Technology
- Miez de lemn LIGHTWEIGHT TrueBlend Free wood core
- Geometrie - rocker-camber-rocker
Greutate (g) - 1750 g per bucata / 3500 g per pereche la inaltime de 164 cm
Lungimi disponibile (cm) - 164 / 172 / 180 / 188 / 192
Dimensiuni (mm la lungimea 164 cm) - varf 138,5 mm / talie 112 mm / coada 128,5 mm (dimesiunile variaza pentru fiecare lungime)
Raza ( m la lungime de 164 cm) - 16 m